Download Accelerator Plus is a downloads manager for Android that lets you perfectly manage all the downloads you make from your Android.
The way Download Accelerator Plus works is so simple that you'll barely have to give it a thought. Navigate as you normally would using its built-in browser that makes downloading any file much easier. When a download starts, a window pops up asking you which folder you want to save the file in and with what name.
It's important to keep in mind that Download Accelerator Plus does not let you download anything you wouldn't normally be able to with your standard browser – no YouTube videos or anything like that. Still, it does let you manage all your downloads, regardless of file type, from your Android device.
Download Accelerator Plus is a good downloads manager thanks to which you can download several files simultaneously and, above all, have more control over what you're downloading from your Android.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required